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Parental Alienation

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Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation Lawyers in Illinois

Parental alienation is the process through which a child becomes estranged from one parent due to the psychological manipulation of the other parent.  The child’s estrangement often manifests as fear, disrespect, and/or hostility towards one parent.  Parental alienation can be a complex situation to recognize and remedy, so it is important that your attorney has experience in dealing with this issue. 

Some common signs of parental alienation can include:  

  • Preventing or restricting communication between the child and the other parent
  • Prohibiting or interfering with the other parent’s right to see the child, including interfering with court-ordered parenting time
  • Manipulating the child to form a negative view of the other parent
  • Making disparaging comments about the other parent and/or their family to the child
  • Attempting to convince the child that the other parent does not love him or her

The long-term effects of parental alienation can be devastating not only to the other parent but also to the child, so if you recognize the signs it is important to act as soon as possible. 

There are legal options to counteract parental alienation and to address the effects of it. The experienced family law attorneys at SLG Family Law will work hard to protect your parental rights. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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