Social media has become such a natural part of our day that many of us fail to notice how often we turn to these platforms to share our thoughts, feelings, and more. If anything, the pandemic has made this dependence on social media even more pronounced. While our commitment to social media isn’t normally a concern, this may not be the case if you are going through a divorce. If you are headed toward a divorce, the surest way to strategize your best path forward is with an experienced Illinois divorce attorney in your corner.
The fact is that social media can play an important role in our lives, and that role is allowing us to connect more easily – even when we may be far apart and unable to get together as often as we’d like. As such, social media platforms like Facebook (now called Meta) and Instagram have assumed primary importance in the lives of many.
What many of us forget is that when you post it on social media, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. One screenshot later, and that post – that you were sure to amp up your privacy settings regarding – may have spread like wildfire through your contacts. The primary point regarding social media and privacy is that you should expect everything you post to get back to your divorcing spouse (and to his or her attorney), which means that – if you wouldn’t want either to see it – you shouldn’t post it.
Ultimately, pulling the plug on social media while your divorce is pending may be your best option – because you simply never know what kind of reaction that picture or text you share is going to stir up, and when it comes to divorce, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
If you aren’t ready to stay off of your social media for the time being, keep the following points regarding social media hygiene in mind as you move forward:
The seasoned Illinois divorce attorneys at SLG Family Law have the legal insight and savvy to help guide your divorce toward its most favorable resolution – including helping to keep you out of hot water on social media. Your case is important, so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.
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